People experience similar needs.

Like pictured above (a version of Maslow's needs pyramid), we have need that our body be harm-free and sustained, nourished somehow to avoid possible suffering and misery and to ensure we can work as best as we possibly can.

How we each address our needs may vary greatly (day by day, year by year, even moment to moment).

Many positive influences have helped me to thrive by solely eating organic food. Food such as fruits and veggies with no pesticides nor herbicides.

We should eat such as this and good breads, lentils and nuts, even permitted-by-animal giftings such as goat's milk and chicken's eggs.

continuing, we also have emotional needs and self-actualization needs

Tony Robbins contributed to my understanding of this by hopping out of a shower one day to jot down what he referred as the "Six Human Needs"

this is my rendition of these common needs (which are not solely human needs; animals, including insects, also yearn and need this way)

1. "surety" (safety, surety, security) & "variety" 

somehow we need to maintain and even improve our health, aid prosperity and keep safe

however, we also need to enjoy variety, "the spice of life"

therefore, we may have to strike a balance in earning and keeping the goodness in our lives whilst also striving for different, for better via cautious adventure and "spicing things up" with our work talents

"once a year go somewhere you've never been before," said Gyalwa Rinpoche the 14th Dalai Lama

2. "love" & "esteem" 

we gotta feel our worthiness and it helps to receive validation of this from others

if we've lived up to our potential with our talents and abilities, reputation, relationships, knowledge and skills

perhaps seeming to contrast this and yet truly not innately "at odds" with this is love

you're welcome to read about the Five Love Languages and the Eight Types of Love from the Ancient Greeks here: For Love

3. growth & contribution 

we ought to keep learning and improving in order to give and do our best

it's also quite important to grow and contribute in accord, in concordance with the people of God, with helping people (including and directing Christ of God in our prayers surely may be safe and helpful, even requisite for best results for all)

each of the above needs may be met positively or attempted to be met negatively yet in ways that have never satisfied such as hoping to feel a satisfying variety and--or certainty / emotional relief with an opioid addiction.

Yes, the consequence of ingesting a drug (or similarly indulging in a different vice) yields some variety yet also causes ill health and--or other suffering(s).

Similarly, eating nachos with cheese containing a bad preservative may be initially gratifying yet not ultimately satisfying nor actually supportive of our health long term.

Continuing, yelling obscenities is not good whereas singing karaoke with friends, even some nice death metal songs (like Christopher Lee's album Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross - Wikipedia), surely may be.

Additionally, an unhealthy obsession with hydrogen bombs is a lesser pursuit compared to striving to help the hippo population of Africa with such as better local vegetation via ingenuity with horticultural methods.

Hopefully by now you "get the gist" and may you never be too in need!