Best results never happened without cooperation! 

Also, the happier we are the more truly productive we can be too (

The success of any team depends upon enough team members acting virtuously and consistently so.

We have approximately eighteen years of high opportunity before earth and soil depletion becomes an extreme problem, perhaps irreversibly so even causing eventual cessation of all known life.

Acts of war occurred this year, 2024, as could grievously worsen this problem.

With peace and plenty in urgent jeopardy we must address this global situation with appropriate seriousness and requisite action, speech and thought.

The proceeding list of traits helps to think about how everyone on any team could work together and, with commensurate critical thinking, how we could and should work best together:

ethical / moral integrity -- a consistent track record of maturely heeding our conscience, "[...] doing for others as we'd wish for others to do for us" (Matthew 7:12-19) (examples: "Please be kind, rewind." from the days of renting VHS at Blockbuster and giving an individual in homeless circumstance good organic food and spring water)

knowledge -- veritable factual information (example: "Redwood trees have been numerous in California. I saw some last summer on a family road trip. The tallest is 379.7 ft. according to my recent Google search.")

skill -- practiced, even honed abilities in specific arenas of life (such as the tossing of pizza dough and Olympic speed skating)

comprehension / understanding-- knowing of a topic or person distinct from solely factual information; e.g. comprehension of addition and subtraction as could lead to ongoing employment with the role of cashier; understanding is of knowing something consistently true about people and--or nature such as knowing a friend loves to play dominoes and another enjoys skateboarding; 

relevant experience -- direct or closely related experience to a project, cause, or mission (as would or could help to accomplish major goals); a hypothetical example is four years of experience working at a fast food restaurant may be considered sufficient experience (alongside these other factors) to help a team strive to gradually and ethically convince corporate decision-makers of a restaurant franchise to reward customers for bringing their own reusable containers (for to-go meals)

clout - social "cred"; clout comes from repeatedly, meaningfully, and consistently showing good will towards others; this accumulation of respect may be prudently wielded as a way to influence others for the common good

We need all of the above so very much for the work needed to be done.

Please do your part, however big or small, each day for the better future of life on this amazing and precious planet!