We may only have eighteen years as of October of the year 2024 before the earth of planet Gaia no longer support human and animal existence sustainably.

However, we can and must do very, very much and even invent very much to expedite our efforts and to minimize waste (to zero as much as possible ideally) during this extremely critical time and narrow window of opportunity.


The list of necessary and critical actions we should and must be attending to proceed:


  • develop and implement effective agrarian strategies and techniques (whether ancient or newly tested)
  • minimize waste (no more styrofoam "To-Go" boxes)
  • reduce, minimize fossil fuel consumption (drive less, bike and walk more)
  • reuse everything as much as possible, reasonable and feasible (we should remain amenable to doing things which are not for our mere comforts nor superficial preferences and willing to learning that which may be beyond our current understanding that could help)


If we don't do this, we may all suffer very badly before going extinct. Yes, this may include humanity starving and thirsting unto death (all the billions of us).


Here are some works that support my assertion (it is from a spiritual experience I had this morning looking at earth and plants nearby a library in Louisiana):

Only 60 Years of Farming Left If Soil Degradation Continues | Scientific American

The Importance of Soil Revitalization and 5 Methods to Save the Soil (sadhguru.org)
8 Must-Watch New Sustainable Agriculture Documentaries (nycfoodpolicy.org)