The much good I've experienced in my life is partly because of people's contributions such as are below on this page.

These are things everyone should know so that we experience more fruitful fun!

  • "The Ten Commandments" by Moses on behalf of God

  • "The Lord's Prayer" as would be best for you

  • "The Four Noble Truths" by Sakyamuni Gotama Buddha

  • "The Eight Types of Love" from ancient Greece

  • Compassionate Communication (A.K.A. "NVC") by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg

  • "The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman

It's all good stuff and shouldn't lead you astray.

"Nonviolent / Compassionate Communication" as originated by Dr. Marshall Rosenberg, PhD (Marshall Rosenberg - Wikipedia) includes the following requisite components for genuine communication to happen:

  • Factual Concurrence --- Gertrude: "Oh, you didn't do the dishes as I asked you." Samuel: "Sorry! I forgot and I apologize, Gertrude."

  • Relatability of Feelings --- Gertrude: "Well, I thank you for apologizing. I feel somewhat better about it now."

  • Espousal of Yearnings --- Samuel: "I know better now how important cleanliness is to you. I'll wash these now if that's okay with you."

  • Tellings & Askings --- Gertrude: "Yes, please."

If you ever are involved in a conflict or heated argument, be sure to express / establish the above (with permission). The order may be critical to safely and efficaciously diffuse anger and threats, to make peace and to improve relationships.

From Marshall's book we should also be mindful and present with others (like we woould want). 

If a need for silence is discerned it's important to respect this and so too for any privacy need or need for discretion (such as being a gentleman and refraining from bragging about a sexual experience).

Competency at Compassion Communication is critically important globally for peace and thereby to help us sustain and mayhaps further the plenty that we are so very fortunate to have thanks to the virtuous efforts of previous generations.

You may have heard "those who pray together stay together", so I recommend knowing a version of "The Lord's Prayer" that works for you.

"Pray then like this [...]" (Matthew 6:9-13):

A Version of "The Lord's Prayer"

O Christ of God

for better living to come via good acts done

'round about Gaia as 'tis of heaven

I ask for your help with our daily needs,

for protection if needed,

for guidance and wisdom,

for honorable teaching

all this would yield a realm of love and friendship, lasting achievements, and power for good forever and ever!

Shalom | Amen

Based upon my discernment of experience, it surely may be helpful to recite the above prayer, perhaps in your own inspired way, each and every day even.

Shalom is a Hebrew word which is defined as peace, completeness, and well-being in English.

Another name for God may be more appropriate for you (or from time to time) including Great Spirit (of indigenous "Americans", Sioux & Iriquoi & Hopi, etcetera), Abba God / Yahweh / YHWH (Hebrew), Baba Yetu (African), Alahu (perhaps the most proper transliteration of the Islamic name / moniker for God of my discernment) and "Baba" (of Hindu people and spirituality) perhaps amongst others.

It may be wise to include and--or direct your prayers to Christ too.

The Four Noble Truths:


  1. All people may experience sufferings. 《 including undue pain, emotional anguish, disgust, discomforts, and displeasure 》

  2. Causes of sufferings are discernible. 《 forces of nature, misconduct, loss, ignorance, lack, etcetera 》

  3. We can avoid, lessen, and prevent suffering. 《 such as by maintaining distance from a dimly lit back alley to safeguard against tempting another to steal 》

  4. Even unto utmost generality the way to do this is with virtuous conduct, walking the Eightfold Noble Path via ... 

    1. true comprehensionveritable understanding and gnosis (like comprehension of the Pythagorean Theorem in geometry, Marie Curie's (pictured to the right) preliminary understanding of radioactivity and knowing why one's parents laughed together about potatoes in their kitchen one day)

    2. vigilant alertness and rightful awareness (like upholding one's duties as a lifeguard)

    3. apropos focus and good concentration (like for studying for a school quiz)

    4. cautious movements and productive action (like looking left and right, and even again, before crossing a street and strategically planting herbs)

    5. compassionate communication (like Michelle Obama's speech upon education: Bing Videos)

    6. "critical"* thinking and beneficent ideation (like Albert Einstein discerning special relativity and Frieda Kahlo's ideas for artwork)

    7. muy buenos intent, samma sankappa (in Pali, a language Sakyamuni Gotama Buddha and some of the sangha accompanying him spoke who've all had muy buenos intent to do good)

    8. for-the-best, virtuous efforts thereof 


For more, you may visit this page: The Four Noble Truths | Aware Learning (

* The Dalai Lama, quoted in I Am, the movie:

Question for the Dalai Lama: “What’s the most important meditation we can do now?”

Answer: “Critical thinking, followed by action. Discern what your world is. Know the plot, the scenario of this human drama. And then figure out where your talents might fit in to make a better world.”


The Four Noble Truths:


  1. All people may experience sufferings. 《 including undue pain, emotional anguish, disgust, discomforts, and displeasure 》

  2. Causes of sufferings are discernible. 《 forces of nature, misconduct, loss, ignorance, lack, etcetera 》

  3. We can avoid, lessen, and prevent suffering. 《 such as by maintaining distance from a dimly lit back alley to safeguard against tempting another to steal 》

  4. Even unto utmost generality the way to do this is with virtuous conduct, walking the Eightfold Noble Path via ... 

    1. true comprehension, veritable understanding and gnosis (like comprehension of the Pythagorean Theorem in geometry, Marie Curie's (pictured to the right) preliminary understanding of radioactivity and knowing why one's parents laughed together about potatoes in their kitchen one day)

    2. vigilant alertness and rightful awareness (like upholding one's duties as a lifeguard)

    3. apropos focus and good concentration (like for studying for a school quiz)

    4. cautious movement and 'riteous' action (like looking left and right, and even again, before crossing a street)

    5. compassionate communication (like Michelle Obama's speech upon education: Bing Videos)

    6. "critical"** thinking and beneficent ideation (like Albert Einstein discerning special relativity and Frieda Kahlo's ideas for artwork)

    7. muy buenos intent, samma sankappa (in Pali, a language Sakyamuni Gotama Buddha and some of the sangha accompanying him spoke who've all had muy buenos intent to do good)

    8. for-the-best, virtuous efforts thereof 


For more, you may visit this page: The Four Noble Truths | Aware Learning (

** The Dalai Lama, quoted in I Am, the movie:

Question for the Dalai Lama: “What’s the most important meditation we can do now?”

Answer: “Critical thinking, followed by action. Discern what your world is. Know the plot, the scenario of this human drama. And then figure out where your talents might fit in to make a better world.”


The Ancient Greeks distinguished eight different types of love:

passionate love

★Romantically kissing one's date at a high school prom★

★love-making with a spouse★

deep friendship

★remaining pen pals (by "snail mail" and--or email) with someone overseas★

★getting into safe trouble as teenagers★

devoted love (familiar love)

★donating a kidney for a family member★

★visiting family for Thanksgiving, for Christmas★

playful love

★card games such as Go Fish, Rummy and "ERS"★

★putting "bunny ears" on someone for a picture★

obsessive love

★high school crushes★

★the "bronies", men who like the show "My Little Pony"★

enduring love

★working hard for children, posterity, our future★

★saintly efforts such as by Joan d'Arc and John of the Cross★

★everything Christ of God did and said★


★praying the Serenity Prayer★

★paying for professional massage services after working hard all day bubble baths★

altruistic love

★buying a young person video games they've been wanting★

★giving people in homeless circumstance good food and water★

"The Five Love Languages" by Gary Chapman (Gary Chapman (author) - Wikipedia):

  • Words of affirmation (compliments, praise and appreciation)
  • Quality time (investing in shared experience together and giving each other undivided attention) 
  • Physical touch (showing physical affection, such as giving your partner a (permitted) hug or kiss)
  • Acts of service (doing something that helps a partner such as running an errand)
  • Gifting (giving others a present that demonstrates care and thoughtfulness)

    The above is "bread and butter" for all relationships to become and remain joyous, happy, appreciated, and fun.

  • Words of affirmation: "You did so good at painting!" "Wow you're so smart at computers!"
  • Quality time: watching a good movie with family members, playing board games with friends, patiently listening to a partner vent
  • Physical touch: hugging someone in homeless circumstance, kissing a friend (each with permission, perhaps tacit)
  • Acts of service: changing a tire for people by a highway, fixing someone's thermostat
  • Gifting: purchasing supplies for a dear one's school participation or new business venture

May all and each of the above bless your life and the lives of those you love.