It has become plausible to me, even inevitable, that we have approximately eighteen years as of October of 2024 (until about 2040 or sooner) before the food producing capacity of our planet won't support all eight billion human people at recent levels of consumption and production.
Therefore we should all consistently act like "true parents to [this] world" (said by Jaggi Vasudev AKA "Sadhguru") moral because of how much waste and folly occurred throughout our past and especially with modern wars and indulgences.
However, we can do something and therefore should strive to do all that we reasonably can for a good future, even the best of possible futures.
This truly means that so many, all of us should become saintly stewards of Gaian civilization and wildlife, caring every moment of every day to do what is our discerned duty to keep and further life as it should be.
Innovating and increasing efficiency will be and are necessitated to solve and address this global set of problems.
We must minimize daily waste to zero as much as is truly feasible; rather than purchasing new bottles and plastic bags we must get reusable containers and bags and only use such as these.
We have but this narrow window of time and opportunity with approximately 8.186 billion humans living in this world (World Population Clock: 8.2 Billion People (LIVE, 2024) - Worldometer).
In the billions of animals exist also and for us to live peacefully alongside them is not guaranteed without daily virtuous living.
{An estimate for the total animal population on Gaia (including insects, etcetera) is estimated to be about 20 quintillion, or 20 billion billion. and even if some orders of magnitude less than this we, humanity, must be prudent of conduct to survive and even thrive with our animal friends too.}
"We're the Planeteers and you can be one too 'cuz saving our planet is the thing to do."
The food that we've eaten came from living plants of earthen ground and the vast, worldwide ocean.
If this earth becomes depleted, we cannot grow more food or not without significant time and hardship if at all.
If our water becomes too pulluted from humanity unconscientiously wasting, we would either die by thirst or die by drinking such polluted water.
Here is a list of necessary and critical actions we must and should do to prevent such calamities and to even have a chance at maintaining or improving upon the goodness to some extent recently common:
develop and implement effective agrarian strategies and techniques (whether ancient or newly proven such as "regenerative agriculture")
minimize waste (e.g.* no more styrofoam "To-Go" boxes)
reduce and minimize fossil fuel consumption (drive and fly less, bike and walk more)
reuse everything as much as is known to be reasonable and feasible (example: a reusable container we should remain amenable to doing things for more than mere comforts and superficial preferences)
recycle if energy efficient (some recycling practices have been wasteful of fossil fuels such as aluminum cans; we should reuse the same containers rather than spend so much oil remaking aluminum cans)
any other genuinely wise acts