Two apples and two oranges are quantitatively equivalent to any four fruit and even other vegetables and stars of the same quantity / amount / number.

Likewisely, two trucks and three cars "add up" to five vehicles.

I recommend these mathematical thinking exercises to enrich, to develop, to improve your psyche:

1. Count the seed spirals of a pinecone until you experience satisfaction (such as from knowing the actuality of Fibonacci numbers in nature ( [Hint: put a finger on the appearance of a spiral and count around a pinecone until you arrive back at your finger]

2. Count the amount of money you have, if any, until you know exactly how much money you possess.

The cowry shells pictured above have much history to them (Cowrie shells were among the devices used for divination by the Kaniyar Panicker astrologers of Kerala, India. [12] In certain parts of Africa, cowries were prized charms, and they were said to be associated with fecundity, sexual pleasure and good luck. | Cowrie - Wikipedia)

If you do the above two exercises virtuously, you will have a robust foundation to learn all mathematics and it would continue to serve you well in life.