"pray then like this"

Matthew 6:9

A Co-Op Prayer

for peace and plenty
via good works, learning and love
I ask for help with our needs this day
and likewisely I put in my oar

Selah, Salam

Selah - for pausing to contemplate
Salam - to pray for peace

alternatively: we ask for help with our needs this day and likewisely we put in our oars
(this expression is defined as, essentially, giving help as part of a team effort)

A Version of "The Serenity Prayer"

for serenity I must accept what is,
what was and what may be sufficiently

some I cannot change now

some I could and even must strive to change
I can know this difference and intend to act as I should

I may need to rise above difficulties

yet via good works

we may be joyous and happy

"When you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your God [the dutiful people of God, those saintly], who [may be] unseen [may not be ordinarily experienced].

Then [the people of God, the peacemakers], who [may] see what is done in secret [who could discern your needs, your prayer], will reward you [may care, may act compassionately]."

Matthew 6:6

This verse is metaphorical and instructs us to establish, to strive for privacy within ourselves to communicate to those who surely may help (as Fred Rogers' mother said, "Look for the helpers.") to accomplish what we cannot or should not do alone.

Of my experience, it may help to pray vocally aloud, aloud in thought, or silently depending upon circumstances.