It has become plausible to me, even inevitable, that we have approximately eighteen years as of October of 2024 (until about 2040) before the food producing capacity of our planet won't support all eight billion human people (World Population Clock: 8.2 Billion People (LIVE, 2024) - Worldometer) and more animals at recent levels of consumption and waste.
Therefore we should all consistently act like "true parents to [this] world" (said by Jaggi Vasudev AKA "Sadhguru") to prevent ourselves from repeating follies of the past, especially war and environmental collapse.
So, we should each do what is our authentic duty to do. It's a team effort!
Each of us should make the most of our talents for good.
Writers like me ought to publish, artists ought to make artwork, musicians ought to create music, dancers ought to innovate dances, and athletes ought to play in ways that inspire peacefulness, lasting prosperity and environmental sustainability (good diversity included).
All of us should become, in our own way, saintly stewards of Gaian civilization and wildlife, caring each moment of every day to do what is our discerned duty to keep and further life as it should and could be.
Innovating and increasing our effectiveness and efficiency are necessary now, required to solve and address these global problems.
We must minimize daily waste as much as is truly feasible by reusing such as shopping bags and drink containers and refraining from using such as disposable wrappings and styrofoam boxes.
We should also refrain from purchasing unecessary luxuries and unhealthy foods and beverages (What To Do For Health).
We have but this narrow window of time and opportunity to make the most and keep the best of life.
A good life is not guaranteed if we don't act virtuously and consistently so.
supporting research
Threats to Coral Reefs US EPA
Bing Videos
Why are wildflowers important?
Top facts
The Glyphosate Crisis: 1992 to 2002 Health Decline
Only 60 Years of Farming Left If Soil Degradation Continues | Scientific American
The Importance of Soil Revitalization and 5 Methods to Save the Soil (
8 Must-Watch New Sustainable Agriculture Documentaries (
"We're the Planeteers and you can be one too 'cuz saving our planet is the thing to do."