An Educational Website by Andrew Paxton Garrett

A main thing we all ought to know and do:

Only ingest, only take in organic whole foods and natural spring water and reduce, reuse and recycle! 

You can buy these at many grocery stores, health food stores and and local farmer's markets  and you may read more details about what's good to eat and drink here:

What To Do For Health | Aware Learning)

{intro read time: about two minutes | otherwise explore the menu above!}

My intention with this website is to support all people to live a truly good life together, lives of peace and plenty.

I'm part of a family with multiple respected educators including our mother Patti who taught fine arts at Louisiana State University at Shreveport and our grandmother DeLois who taught English in Seguin, Texas.

However, we've suffered such as diabetes, cancer and unhappiness.

Such as this unfortunately occurred to many other families and friends too.

Happily though, the causes of such sufferings are well known to me now and are all and each preventable and even curable.

Basically, never ingest another manufactured chemical ("sodium benzoate" would eventually cause cancer) nor tampered with food products ("high fructose corn syrup" would eventually cause diabetes).

Do this, drink good spring water and whole organic foods, exercise often, involve yourself fruitfully with people and you'll be okay!

Furthermore, our mother told us, "If we're not busy learning we're busy dying."

I've known this to be very true.

Learning well has ever satisfied my genuine curiosity even if I needed to change the way I think about something to become curious about it.

It's how I learned everything on this site!

I invite you to visit the pages of this site to increase your understanding and knowledge base about what's most important in life.

It's a time of great opportunities and challenges here upon planet Gaia.

If we don't care enough for people, for the earth and the oceans and the animals, then we risk losing all life here.

So, let's learn and get busy living virtuously!

You may enjoy these links to start (otherwise scroll to the top for the main menu):


What To Do For Health

"Reduce, Reuse, Recycle"

Please enjoy!



The Saint Elizabeth of Hungary Church in Denver, Colorado is pictured below. Members there graciously and often provided nourishing food and clothing whilst I and many others suffered the miseries of homeless circumstance. I thank them and Saint Elizabeth herself.