Emotions are a major type of feeling which also includes various sensations of pain and pleasure.

Some overlap exists with such as disgust which is a muchly automatic bodily reaction to things we should not ingest.

More than one type of emotion can be experienced and verily have been.

These major types of emotions have been felt and are possible to feel dependingly:

  1. Enjoyment

  2. Anger

  3. Sadness

  4. Disgust

  5. Fear

These definitions of each major type of emotions have been helpful to me:

joy, happiness and satisfaction - these feelings may be experienced as a result of good works, developing true understanding and similarly having fruitful fun

anger - this has been a result of denying what is known and truly of my discernment, from not wanting to understand greater / better reasoning than our own and succumbing to arrogance, conceit, haughtiness, false pride, etc.; prayerfully yearning to know  what we must (and what we must do and say if so) and becoming patient and kind (again) cures us of anger

sadness - this has been a result of (unnecessary) loss which has included bodily death, good opportunities, and cherished belongings; we can lessen our sadness regarding these if we can understand a good reason to hope and work for something similar in the future

disgust - an instinctual / intuitive reaction / response to something, a substance, a chemical that could make us ill

fear - this is due to a threat or danger (if not real, then fear is paranoia insofar as dissociated from genuine concern)

In case these don't suffice, this is a list of such words to help describe feelings and emotions from "A Cup of Empathy" by Marianne (Cup of Empathy - Nonviolent Communication Online Courses & Sessions):