We could make decisions on our own with our personal / individual thinking ability or we may do this in conjunction with prayerfulness to those veritably wise (the people of God, God).

As it is good and smart to make decisions with others known to be wise if at all personally unsure, it is important to know that we each have inherent abilities to help us know God (abilities which as yet
may be latent and developable within you):

"Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see [of] God." (Matthew 5)

1. clairvoyance - perceiving of visions, appearances from God
2. claircognizance - recognizing because of our receptivity to the gifting of God, the "critical thinking" of God
3. clairsentience - feelings and--or sensations from God
4. clairaudience - hearing sounds from God
5. clairolfaction - aromatic experiences from God

"You will know them by their fruits." (Matthew 7:15-20)

We may feel only decently about some phenomena and believe its from God but by definition moral efforts yield fruitfulness over time (good music, good food, wine and water, good art, good sports, etcetera ... good living).

Therefore we should be discerning, collaborative and cautious so that what we may refer to as claircognizance as one example is genuinely so.