Eat & Drink Like This!
(more below)
shortest version
Eat and drink like what's in the above pictures (organic food with no bad chemicals and good spring water) to an ~80% full feeling at each meal* and you could "live long and prosper" (especially with the remainder of this website's free knowledge).
* (Hara hachi bun me - Wikipedia)
short version
Please do this!
- only eat and drink organic food and juices and natural, unaltered spring water
- listen to good music, look at good art, dance! (whatever "floats your boat": poetry, comedy, wood-working, crochet / knitting, theatre, comic books, anime and mangas, etcetera)
- keep up with friends and family as you genuinely yearn to
- have (further) fruitful fun! (examples: start an Etsy project offering something cool you designed or play a cheap recorder or old guitar on a street corner for donations or free)
Refrain from doing / don't do this!
- refrain from ingesting any substance extracted from whole foods in folly including "soy lecithin", "avocado oil", "sunflower lecithin / oil", sodas ketchup with "high fructose corn syrup" (organic cane sugar, corn and tomatoes only)
- refrain from ingesting such as cereals with "tocopherols" and "BHT", bad preservatives, and not even "Vitamin A" nor "niacin" which cause illness too (Jackie Chan, the famous martial artist and actor, professed to never needing "vitamins")
- refrain from eating such as "fast food" ranch dressing or similar, even at fancy restaurants, if it has (a) bad preservative(s) in it
long version
To remain healthy and to become healthier we should know what has helped us and others in the past and be prayerful (to Christ, to God) about what to do now if we have even any doubt whatsoever about what's good for our bodies and minds.
Eating and drinking so, exercising often and properly, and enriching (even ameliorating) our psyches, our minds, our souls is part of good living.
We can exercise by dancing, by working out at a gym, by playing sports, and by exploring nature.
Listening to and playing good music with good timing and volume adds to our holistic health too (of body and mind, individually to globally).
Educational entertainment such as reading poetry (e.g. Rupi Kaur holding her book below) also supports our well-being.
Continuing, good discernment of scientific efforts, both in the past and recently, supports our health when faithfully acted upon. At its best, discernment includes prayerfulness and "critical thinking"*, logical reasoning about that which is of utmost import whilst also heeding the varied communications and signs of God about matters of importance and urgency (God who surely is able to reason and even beyond our notions of it).
My own discernment of my experience including scientific research is that (imprudently) manufactured chemicals and over-processed food amalgamations (such as "monosodium glutamate", a flavonoid, and "sulfur dioxide", a toxic preservative) are not good for our bodies whatsoever.
In comparison all natural, wholesome foods (without herbicides nor pesticides similar to "Roundup" used on them at any time) are good for us including genuinely "organic" fruits, sprouts, nuts and vegetables which pass sensory discernment (smells wholly good, tastes wholly good, etcetera) in such as the produce section of good health-food / grocery stores.
To restate this for added emphasis, fruits and vegetables should never be exposed to pesticides nor herbicides (chemicals that surely may detract from our bodily health if ingested, even if we were unaware of or denying this).
left: good fruit
right: unhealthy processed food (eventually chemicals such as "sodium tripolyphosphate" cause illness if consumed; even prayerful requests for blessings would only do so much)