For all of us to experience prosperity, abundance, and joy ongoingly into the future we should reuse and repair material and objects (furniture, appliances, etcetera) as much as possible within reason.

If we purchase a coffee cup and then throw it into a black plastic "trash" bag which may then be hauled to a landfill where it would decay ... if we do this it is wasteful of plastic bags, truck fuel and maintenance costs, and of the cup itself (plastic, cardboard, howsoever).

We should not fail ourselves so. We must not waste like this if we are to live happy and healthy lives far into the future.

Alternatively, we should do such as purchase a durable container for beverages and continue reusing it as needed. Additionally, we should only support conscientious restaurants (and those starting to make this effort), people who wash and reuse everything used by their customers and offer truly good food with no toxic chemical ingredients.

Likewise, we should refrain from using styrofoam "to go boxes" and plastic bags at grocery and retail stores.
We can buy the affordable reusable bags now common at stores such as Walmart. 

All of us making a spirited effort in keeping with the non-violent ethos of the "Captain Planet" show "taking pollution down to zero" (video above) adds up greatly, even tremendously for the ongoing benefit of all life upon this planet.

Make us proud!