Until and unless we obey "the still small voice" of God, we can rationalize away their greater and better reasoning in pursuit of lesser goals and ambitions.


This has been a cause of suffering. Hitler, Pol Pot, Genghis Khan at an extreme and too many others each kept to their own unhelpful thinking (including merely hedonistic intentions) rather than yielding to the mightily flowing waters of God's wisdom and love.


Of my experience and discernment thereof, we have opportunities even daily to act with courage and genuine bravery for the betterment of all life.


These opportunities may not be to our superficial preferences and lesser cravings yet could surely yield "fruit" over timespans of centuries, millenia and even eternally with more likelihood than even anything misused by those with merely rational and selfish intellects.

As an example, I was offered a job to travel and relocate for a fall season in Connecticut to work as a Nature's Classroom teacher and despite unforeseen challenges I had a great time.

We sang ukelele songs, built campfires, respectfully reenacted something of the colonization of America and enjoyed wonderful food.


Jumping into the wondrous maelstrom of virtuous life with God (with wars and theft, dogma and dishonesty as yet occurring howsoever frequently since I was born and before) has ever included some amount of endurance and positive contribution since antiquity.

Dr. David Hawkins' work "Power vs. Force" (directly related graph above) has been helpful for me to better understand the distinction between acting with courage, in accord with the Will of God, and not.

These Bible verses (Matthew 5:13-16) are relevant:

“You are the light of the world. A town built on a hill cannot be hidden. 15 Neither do people light a lamp and put it under a bowl. Instead they put it on its stand, and it gives light to everyone in the house. 16 In the same way, let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven."


“You are the salt of the earth. But if the salt loses its saltiness, how can it be made salty again? It is no longer good for anything, except to be thrown out and trampled underfoot." 

There really is something akin to a line to step across, metaphorically yet perhaps actually too, whether by word, thought, deed or some combination if God verily calls upon us to act for good.

We can heed God with such perception, the abilities to do so existing latent or active within all people:


  • clair-sentience (feelings and--or energy from God)
  • clair-cognizance (assistance and support with thinking from God)
  • clair-voyance (sights and visions from God)
  • clair-olfaction (smells from God (yes really, I've experience this))
  • clair-audience (hearing voices and other sounds of God)


It's always been that I've experienced a good feeling from God either before, after, during, or some combination of these from acting courageously.

This is more confirmation than incentive for someone mature.

The fruits of virtuous conduct may have to be patiently awaited yet with faith and understanding and requisite self-conduct such shall eventually be.