heretofore - an archaic for before now

Of the multitude of issues that have bothered us, pettiness and angrily complaining have been amongst the most common and have been obstacles to us significantly and critically addressing environmental and diplomatic problems.

It's been said that a problem understood is half solved. This is rather true!

So, these definitions may help us:

angry complaint - anger is a consequence of ignoring the wisdom of Abba God and therefore any complaint spoken angrily is overall ineffective for any legitimate goals; in contrast, requesting organic ranch dressing for a salad calmly and politely at a restaurant may be helpful

pettiness - a helpful metaphorical expression for understanding pettiness is that it is "making mountains out of molehills"; an example of such is that of a parent yelling at a child to not drop cereal on the floor; such ignorance and anger are, at least partially, caused by misunderstanding(s) of the importance and urgency of in-the-moment needs and related personal significance ... in other words, people may become upset over comparatively trivial matters if they aren't amenable to comprehending things as God knows 

insults - if someone has insulted you or even is insulting you to the point that you feel genuinely bad, please just know they aren't God and didn't really know what they're talking about (you could pray about it if you want to)